The Experimental Surgery and Animal Facility platform of the Balearic Islands Health Research Institute Foundation (IdISBa) is an animal experimentation establishment authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Territory of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands with the registration number ES070400006177.
The IdISBa Experimental and Stable Surgery platform has been created in order to offer a service to preclinical research based on animal models. It has conventional facilities suitable for the development of research and teaching activities with animals of experimentation that comply with current Spanish (RD 53/2013) and European (Directiva 2010-63-EU) regulations.
Platform staff is a veterinarian responsible for animal welfare and a technician responsible for animal care.
To guarantee animal welfare and quality research, the center encourages the application of the 3 R's principle (Reduce, Refine and Replace) of Russell and Burch (1959). In addition, periodic sanitary controls are carried out on the animals following the FELASA recommendations, as well as hygienic-sanitary controls of the food, shavings, water, environment and surfaces of the facilities.
Projects with experimental animals carried out in the platform's facilities must comply with current legislation (RD53/2013). Therefore, all those projects that have to be carried out in the dependencies of the IdISBa Experimental Surgery and Animal Facility platform will have to:
1st. Request the evaluation report from the IdISBa Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (CEEA-IdISBa) using the CEEA-IdISBa Evaluation Request form (see attached documents).
2nd. Once the favourable report of the CEEA has been obtained, authorization must be requested from the authorized body (Committee on Ethics for Animal Experimentation of the University of the Balearic Islands,ón/estructuras/comisiones/ceea/).
3rd. Once the competent authority has authorized the project, and when you want to start the activity, you must request the use of the platform through the website by filling in the Request for use of the platform.
For security reasons, access to the facilities is restricted by a card activation system. Prior authorization of each user is required (fill out the User Access Request form). The authorization to access the platform has a duration equivalent to the validity period of the project authorized by the Authorised Body.
1. Animal housing area:
This area consists of:
- Room for mice.
- Room for rats.
- Room for rabbits.
- Room for large animals.
2. Experimental area:
This area consists of:
- Two experimental operating rooms.
- Postoperative room.
- Preclinical Image Room.
- Two laboratories.
- Conventional grips and guides for rats and mice.
- Ventilated grip for mice.
- Racks with interconnected cages for rabbits.
- Feeders for powdered feed.
- Individual identification system by tattoo.
- Disinfecting Washing machine for cages and others accessories ( Steelco AC1400).
- S-1000 steam sterilizer (Matachana).
- CO2 euthanasia equipment.
- Scales, vortex and small equipment for carrying out basic techniques with experimental animals (probes, strains, etc.).
- Surgical instruments for laparotomy, traumatology and microsurgery.
- Infrared lights for small and large animals.
- Stereoscopic microscope (ZUZI 238 series).
- Tissue homogenizer (Biospec 780CL).
- Icebox and freezer.
- Inhalation anaesthesia equipment.
- Vertical laminar flow chamber (Telstar V-100).
- Biosecurity chamber type II-A (Telstar).
- Surgical bow (BV-300, Phillips )
- X-ray equipment (Orange 1040 HF).
- Surgical microscope (OPMI 1-FC, ZEISS) and magnifying lens.
- 2 Laparoscopy towers (ELITE Visor, Olympus)
- In Vivo Bioluminescence and Fluorescence Equipment (Newton 7.0, Vilber)
- Fluorescence Stereomicroscope ( SteREO Discovery.V12 , ZEISS)
- Computed Microtomography equipment (micro CT) SkyScan 1278 (Bruker)
Service portfolio:
- Accommodation and care of experimental animals (supply of feed, water, shavings and environmental enrichment structures).
- Supply of different strains of rats and mice of their own breeding.
- Management of animal colonies.
- Advice on handling, housing, feeding, reproduction, maintenance of lines and welfare of experimental animals.
- Advice and collaboration in the development of procedures with experimental animals (immobilization, administration of substances, sampling, anaesthesia and analgesia, euthanasia, etc.).
- Surgery Service.
- Preclinical Image Service.
The Experimental Surgery and Animal Facility platform is located on the -1 floor of the S building, attached to the premises of the Son Espases University Hospital. It occupies a useful area of 422 m2.
The regular hours of access to the facilities for users will correspond to the daytime cycle of animals: from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. The hours of face-to-face attention to the public by the staff of the facilities will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Access to the Experimental Surgery and Animal Facility platform outside of regular hours must be requested from the staff, justifying the reasons.
Additional Information:
- Link to COSCE IdISBa Agreement
- Link to IdISBa Annual Report
- Link to the Authorised Body WEB (CEEA-UIB)
Evaluation requests:
Link to Competent Bodies by CCAA:
- Maintenance Request Training
- The certificates/diplomas of courses received or taught that are not in one of the two official languages (Catalan or Spanish), must be submitted together with a translation into one of these two languages. People with access to digital UIB may request the translation at the UIB's “Language Service”, through the “correction of institutional documents” option. IdISBa researchers may request the translation service from the IdISBa "Language Service".
- The request for the maintenance of training must be submitted to the competent body of the AC that granted the initial training, in cases where the initial training was obtained after the publication of the Ministerial Training Order (OM), that is, after April 2, 2015. Applicable to people initially accredited as Function A, B, C, D, E and F.
- For people whose training is prior to the date of entry into force of the OM, the following is determined:
- All those people who obtained the homologation for experience issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in accordance with the repealed Royal Decree 1201/2005 of October 10, can submit their application to the competent body that corresponds to the job or residence. Applicable to people who are initially approved as Category A, B, C, D1 and D2.
- All those people who obtained the training by completing a course accredited by the competent body in accordance with Royal Decree 1201/2005 of October 10, and who were trained in accordance with the first transitory provision of the OM, can send the application to the organ competent where the course was accredited , or the one that corresponds to your job or residence. Applicable to people who are initially approved as Category A, B, C, D1 and D2.
Link to the CEFAPIC Guide on maintenance of training for functions in animal experimentation according to OM ECC/566/2015 other-scientific-purposes-including-teaching/
- Link to the IdISBa-UIB Animal Experimentation Training Course (initial training):
- Links to Courses for the Maintenance of Training in Animal Experimentation online (continuing training):
- Additional information about the 3Rs:
- Link to Information on Alternative Methods

Contact person:
Dra. Anna Tomás Sangenís
Telf.: (+34) 871 20 63 56 Ext. 64528
Maria Tortosa Montojo
Telf.: (+34) 871 20 63 56 Ext. 76356