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External Scientific Commitee:

The External Scientific Committee (CCE) is the strategic scientific advisory body of the IdISBa:



  • Magdalena Sastre, full professor of Medicine at the Imperial College London.


  • Rafael Cantón Moreno, head of the Department of Microbiology, Ramón y Cajal Health Research Institute.
  • Teresa Riera Madurell, full professor of Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligences at the UIB.
  • Ramón Martí Seves, Department of Mitochondrial and Neuromuscular Pathologies, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital.
  • Antoni Gelabert Mas, full professor of Urology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
  • Lluís Quintana-Murci, Laboratory Head – Unit of Human Evolutionary Genetics at the Pasteur Institute de Paris.
  • Rosario González Muñiz, researcher at the Institute of Medicinal Chemistry (IQM‑CSIC).
  • Cristina Fillat Fonts, group leader of Gene Therapy and Cancer from the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS).
  • Buenaventura Bolíbar Ribas, former scientific director of the Institute for Primary Health Care Research Jordi Gol.
  • Pia Gallano Petit, head of Neurogenetics at the Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital.

Secretary: IdISBa’s Scientific Director
Antònia Barceló Bennàssar, IdISBa’s Scientific Director.



Internal Scientific Committee:

The Internal Scientific Committee (CCI) is the scientific advisory body of the Executive Committee for the activity carried out by the IdISBa:


  • Chair: the IdISBa’s Scientific Director.
    Antònia Barceló Bennàssar
  • Members:
    • Deputy Director of the HRI.
      Julia García Fuster
    • Transverse Area of Health Sciences and Technology representative.
      Marta Monjo Cabrer
    • Representative of Public Health, Epidemiology, Clinic, and Healthcare Service.
      Joan Llobera Cànaves
    • Area of Oncology and Hematology representative.
      Miriam Sansó Martínez
    • Area of Neurosciences representative.
      Adoración C. Castro Gracia
    • Representative of the Area of Cardiovascular, Metabolic, and Renal Diseases and Nutrition.
      Eugenia Cisneros Barroso
    • Area of Infectious Diseases, Antibiotic Resistance, and Immune Response representative.
      Mercedes García Gasalla
    • Area of Respiratory Diseases representative.
      Ernest Sala Llinàs
    • Predoctoral researchers representative.
      Sandra Íñiguez Muñoz
    • Postdoctoral researchers representative.
      Emilia Amengual Cladera
    • Researchers and emerging groups representative.
      Manuel Gómez Florit
    • Son Espases Research Committee representative.
      Borja García-Cosío Piqueras
    • Son Llàtzer Research Committee representative.
      Inés Asunción Losada López
    • Primary Healthcare Research Committee representative.
      Caterina Vicens Caldentey
    • IUNICS representative.
      Noemi Sansó Martínez
    • Fundació Banc de Sang i Teixits representative.
      Javier Calvo Benito
    • Non-scientific actor (CEIP Sa Graduada Sa Pobla).
      Margalida Pericàs Torrens
    • Non-scientific actor (President of Mutua Balear).
      Antoni Amengual Cladera
    • President of IdISBa's Nursery Committee.
      Miquel Bennàssar Veny
    • Representative of IdISBa's Training Department.
      Nuria Cases Porcel
    • Representative of IdISBa's Innovation Department.
      Carlos Enrique Herrero
    • Representative of IdISBa's Infrastructures and Labs Department
      Marga Frontera Borrueco
    • Representative of IdISBa's Quality Department
      Cristina Casasnovas Riera
  • Secretary: Managing Director of the IdISBa.
    Carlos Enrique Herrero


Social and Business Council:

The Social and Business Council (SBC) of the IdISBa is an advisory body in the Board of Trustees and civil society participation that aims to facilitate the participation of different social and economic sectors in the analysis and development of the scientific strategy of the institution and reinforce the social commitment of the institution:

  • President:
    • Former Scientific Director of the IdISBa.
      Miquel Fiol Sala
  • Holder of the general directorate responsible for health research:
    • General Director of Accreditation, Teaching and Health Research.
      Vicenç Juan Verger
  • Scientific Director of the IdISBa:
    • Scientific Director.
      Antònia Barceló Bernnàssar
  • Managing Director of IdISBa:
    • Managing Director.
      Carlos Enrique Herrero
  • Representative of the Company Committee of the IdISBa:
    • IdISBa’s Private Projects Department.
      Jaume Arbona Vidal
    Representative of the IdISBa researchers:
    • Principal Investigator.
      María Adoración Romaguera Bosch
  • Asociación Balear de Esclerosis Múltiple (PREDIF):
    • Managing Director.
      Colau Terrassa Solé 
  • Asociación Balear de Fibrosis Quística:
    • Managing Director.
      Carlos Pons Llull
  • Asociación de Padres de Niños con Cáncer de Baleares (Aspanob):
    • Aspanob's Founder and Managing Director.
      Eulalia Rubio Mesquida
    • Aspanob's Social Educator.
      Cristina Martín Fernández
  • Asociación Un Lazo en Movimiento:
    • Representative.
      Linda Suzanne Breevaart
  • Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC):
    • President of AECC of the Balearic Islands.
      Jose Reyes Moreno
  • Asociación de personas con diabetes de las Islas Baleares (ADIBA):
    • President.
      Cati Taberner Salvá
  • Real Academia de Medicina:
    • President.
      Joan Besalduch Vidal
  • Academia Médica Balear:
    • President.
      Javier Murillas Angoiti
  • Federación de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa de Mallorca (PIMEM):
    • President.
      Jordi Mora Vallbona
    • Executive Committee.
      Toni Vallcaneras
  • Clúster Biotecnológico y Biomédico de las Islas Baleares (BIOIB):
    • Managing Director.
      Zara Pons
  • Instituto de Física Interdisciplinario y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC):
    • President.
      Emilio Hernández-García
  • Caixa de Colonya:
    • Institutional Relationships & Ethical Saving.
      Juan José Caldes Casas
  • Fundación Bancaria “La Caixa”:
    • Research & Strategy Corporate Director.
      Àngel Font Vidal
  • Fundación Asima (ASIMA):
    • ASIMA Member - International Bioline
      Sebastià Crespí
  • Círculo de Economía de Mallorca:
    • President.
      Josep Vicens Gómez
  • Centro Baleares Europa:
    • Managing Director.
      José Guillermo Berlanga Bondia
  • Farmaindustria:
    • Director of the Department of Relationships with Autonomus Communities.
      José Ramón Luis-Yagüe
  • ROCHE Pharma:
    • Health System Partner Baleares.
      César Vicente Sánchez
  • Federación Española de Empresas de Tecnología Sanitaria (FENIN):
    • Senior Advisor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
      Ángel Lanuza
  • General Directorate of Public Health:
    • General Director of Public Health and Participation of the Balearic Islands.
      Elena Esteban Ramis
  • Person responsible for the OTRI-IdISBa, acting as the secretary:
    • IdISBa's Innovation Department.
      Carlos Enrique Herrero
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