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Board of Trustees:

The Board of Trustees is the highest governing body and maximum representative of the IdISBa, consisting of the entities that are signatories of the agreement that belong to the Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Illes Balears (IdISBa) Foundation Board of Trustees.


  • Chair: Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Balearic Islands.
    Manuela García Romero
  • Deputy Chair: Managing Director of Health Research, Training and Accreditation.
    Vicenç Juan Verger
  • Second Deputy Chair: Vice-Chancellor. University of the Balearic Islands.
    Jaume Carot Giner
  • Third Deputy Chair: General Director of the Balearic Islands Health Service.
    Javier Ureña Morales
  • Members:
    • General Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Balearic Islands.
      Mª. Esperanza Reverte Lorenzo
    • Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Science Policy and Research. University of the Balearic Islands.
      Víctor Homar Santaner
    • Director of the Healthcare Department of the Health Service of the Balearic Islands.
      Raúl Lara Hernández
    • Representative of the ministry of the Balearic Islands responsible for treasury and budgets.
      Silvia Loriente Ducret
    • Representative regional of the ministry responsible for universities.   
      Sebastián Massanet Massanet
    • Representative of the competent  regional ministry for research.
      Sebastián Massanet Massanet
    • General Director of Public Healthcare and representative of the Blood and Tissue Bank Foundation of the Balearic Islands.
      Antonia Elena Esteban Ramis
  • ​The following are members of the Board of Trustees:
    • The Board of Trustees secretary, with the right to speak but not to vote.
      Mª Isabel Rodríguez Baos
    • Representative of Advocacy
      Francisca Figuerola Rovira


Executive Committee: 

This is the managerial body of the IdISBa, which in turn is formed by the entities that are signatories of the agreement that created the Institute:


  • Chair: Scientific Director of the IdISBa.
    Antònia Barceló Bennàssar
  • Members:
    • Managing Director of the IdISBa.
      Carlos Enrique Herrero
    • Deputy Scientific Director.
      Maria Julia García Fuster
    • Managing Director of the Son Espases University Hospital.
      Cristina Granados Ulecia
    • Managing Director of Son Llàtzer University Hospital.
      Soledad Gallardo Bonet
    • Managing Director of the Mallorca Primary Healthcare Service.
      Carlos Raduán de Páramo
    • Manager of the University of the Balearic Islands.
      Maria Consolación Hernández Guerra
    • Managing Director of Health Research, Training and Accreditation.
      Vicenç Juan Verger
    • Technical Director of the Tissue Bank of the Balearic Islands Blood and Tissue Bank Foundation.
      Rosa M. Tarragó Llobera
    • Representative of the Researchers for the IdISBa.
      Adoración Romaguera Bosch
    • Representative of the Researchers for the University of the Balearic Islands.
      Félix Grases Freixades
    • Chair of the Commission for Research of the Son Espases University Hospital.
      Antonio Oliver Palomo
    • Chair of the Son Llàtzer University Hospital Research Commission.
      Juan José Bargay Lleonart
    • Chair of the Mallorca Primary Healthcare Service Research Commission.
      Joana Ripoll Amengual
  • ​The following are members of the Executive Committee:
    • The Executive Committee secretary, with the right to speak but not to vote.
      Mª Isabel Rodríguez Baos
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