The Fundació Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Illes Balears as an entity seeks to bring together the Health Research Institute of Palma (IdISPa) and the Balearic Islands Ramón Llull Health Research Foundation (FISIB):
The Balearic Islands Ramón Llull Health Research Foundation (FISIB) was created in 2010 with the aim of promoting and conducting clinical research projects and programmes, technological development and innovation in the field of health.
This activity was created as a result of extending the scope of the Caubet-Cimera Foundation (an organisation specialising in the respiratory field) to any biomedical field. In 2012, the FISIB and the Mateu Orfila Foundation for Health Research in the Balearic Islands (an organisation specialising in the management of clinical research in the Balearic region) were merged through a process of absorption.
The Health Research Institute of Palma (IdISPa) was created on 23 December 2013 by means of a collaboration agreement between the Ramón Llull Health Research Foundation (FISIB), the Health Department of the Balearic Islands, the Balearic Health Service and the University of the Balearic Islands.
Subsequently, on 17 February 2017, the Institute changed its name to become the Fundació Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Illes Balears (IdISBa), and incorporating the Balearic Islands Blood and Tissue Bank Foundation as a signatory to the Institute Agreement.
The IdISBa is a public institutional organisation with a private structure, not for profit, with its assets permanently tied to its general-interest goals as a foundation.
Article 6 of IdISBa’s statutes state the foundation’s aim and purposes:
- With regard to the health sciences, the Foundation aims to promote, divulge, develop, and execute scientific and technical research as well as biomedical and health innovation. With this in mind, the Foundation also analyzes and delves into people’s health, manages the necessary support for the economical, administrative, technical and human resources areas, as well as the innovation and the transfer of research results. This is all carried out in accordance with Royal Decree 279/2016, of 24 June, on the accreditation of biomedical or health research institutes, and with the policies established by the health authorities of the Balearic Islands in this regard.
- To accomplish this aim, the Foundation pursues the following purposes of general concern:
a) To close the gap between basic research, clinical research and research on health services.
b) To create a high-quality environment for research, care, and training for health research students, researchers, health professionals, and training staff.
c) To establish the perfect space to recruit talent and place large scientific and technical facilities.