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jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2022
Guia i Protocol de Pràctica Clínica - 2020/12

Summary of recommendations and key points of the consensus of Spanish scientific societies (SEPAR, SEMICYUC, SEMES; SECIP, SENEO, SEDAR, SENP) on the use of non-invasive ventilation and high-flow oxygen therapy with nasal cannulas in adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients with severe acute respiratory failure


Autors: Luján M, Peñuelas Ó, Cinesi Gómez C, García-Salido A, Moreno Hernando J, Romero Berrocal A, Gutiérrez Ibarluzea I, Masa Jiménez JF, Mas A, Carratalá Perales JM, Gaboli M, Concheiro Guisán A, García Fernández J, Escámez J, Parrilla Parrilla J, Farrero Muñoz E, González M, Heili-Frades SB, Sánchez Quiroga MÁ, Rialp Cervera G, Hernández G, Sánchez Torres A, Uña R, Ortolà CF, Ferrer Monreal M, Egea Santaolalla C.

Mitjà: Arch Bronconeumol. 2020 Nov 1:S0300-2896(20)30295-7. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.arbres.2020.08.013

Altres dades: Online ahead of print. PMID: 33309418
